Thursday, December 4, 2008

Why is St. Joseph in Your Yard Upside Down?

Here's a tidbit for you. Apparently, in the murky past, nuns used to bury a wee St. Joseph in hopes of getting more land for convents. Nowadays, it's said that if you bury your own wee statue of St. Joseph upside down near your For Sale sign or the front door, your house will sell faster. Okay, let's leave that alone for a second.

Another tidbit: I read a couple of days ago that someone in Germany (I think) did a study on the effect of making the sign of the cross over water with bacteria in it. The prayers and signs were made by believers and non-believers alike, and in all cases, the bacteria was drastically reduced in the water. Here's the main point--everyone was aware of the purpose of the experiment: to reduce the amount of bacteria in the water. Whether the technicians were Christian or not had no bearing on the outcome. It was the action, not the belief, that created change.

What do these two little bits of information have in common? a)Doing something with intent can get you what you want, and b)Even going through the motions--just the act--is powerful enough to get results.

What do I take away from this in regard to selling a house? I don't think the power is in the statue of St. Joseph. It's in the belief that it will help you sell. If you believe burying a hickory nut will help you sell, and you follow through and bury that nut, it will, indeed, help you sell. Maybe you purchased a special memento to commemorate the purchase of your home. Maybe that could be your St. Joseph.

And if a family member isn't necessarily completely on board with the whole intention-driven selling plan, that's okay, too. Have them go through the motions. Either way, as demonstrated in the sign of the cross experiments, you'll get positive results.

Do I have any science to back up any of these claims? Not a lick. What I do have is the abiding belief that everything is energy and can be directly effected through words and intention. The energy doesn't care if you believe the words (although you might).

I know you can sell that house! For more information, and to get free sample chapters of the ebook I CAN Sell This House: Secrets to Selling Quickly in a Buyers' Market, please visit. I CAN Sell This House.

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