Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

First, I am sorry that I only posted 7 tips for the 12 tips of Christmas. That was 5 tips too few. Real fast now: tips 8-12: 8) Keep a positive attitude. 9) Be thankful for what you have. 10)Don't forget to enjoy the holiday. 11)Have a "Last Holiday in This House" party for the neighbors. And the last tip--not specifically for the holidays: 12) Put a link to your MLS page in your email signature. You never know who might click that link.

New Year's Resolutions

I think we can all agree that the number one resolution for people selling is "I Will Sell This House." Wake up with that thought in your head. Go to bed with it in your head. Do something every day with the express intent of selling the house.

If you received presents for Christmas that you don't really want, see if you can make them work on your stage. If you can't, please donate them to someone who can really use them. Now is not the time to be re-cluttering. Keep the house as stripped down of clutter as you possibly can. You want your buyers to see space for their stuff, not space cluttered up with your stuff. Resolution 2: "Give to those less fortunate." There is always someone who is in worse shape than you, so channel your worry about selling into helping others. Click the picture to join your local Freecycle chapter. Or visit Charity Navigator to see which charities will accept what you have.

Check back here for more tips and information. Also, please visit I CAN Sell This House to request free sample chapters of my ebook, I CAN Sell This House: Secrets to Selling Quickly in a Buyers' Market.

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