Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Scents of the Season

Tip #6 Make it Smell Like the Holidays

During most of the year, unless you are having an open house, I suggest that the scents you use in your rooms are as neutral as possible. Maybe some fabric refresher and a clean-smelling air sanitizer. And that's it. The holidays are different, though. Although not everyone celebrates Christmas, most of the major religions celebrate holidays right around the time of the winter solstice, so the scents of the season will be familiar to most potential buyers and make them feel at home.

Simmer some mulling spices, hang or display clove-studded oranges, make ornaments out of cinnamon dough. Use plug in air fresheners with holiday scents--evergreen, cranberry, spice, etc. I would caution you about using too many different scents. Choose one scent, with only slight variations, and let it be the predominant holiday scent of your staged house.

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