Saturday, November 1, 2008

Using Your Intuition to Make Sound Selling Decisions

Type in "real estate" into any search engine, and you will immediately be overwhelmed with an avalanche of information. Some good, some not-so-good, and lots that conflict with each other. What's a person to do? You want/need to sell your house, you're willing to put in the work necessary to be successful, you've distanced yourself emotionally and are acting with intention. You've found a Realtor with whom you'll be able to work.

Sometimes, though, a question will come up or a situation will arise that you will need to figure out all by yourself. Your Realtor can advise you, of course, but ultimately, the decision is yours. Any decision you make when it comes to selling a house, especially in this market, is an important one. How do you know if you're making the right decision?

You can pray about it, meditate on it, get advice from friends--all great ideas, so certainly do what is right for you and what fits into your belief system. I will also suggest that you tune in to your intuition and see what it is telling you to do. After all, most researchers agree that we're only using about 10-15% of our brain power at any time. I believe that intuition is how we tap into the other 85-90%: sort of a bridge to the rest of our intelligence.

Not sure how to do that? There are plenty of great books out there that can help you. If you are a fairly intuitive person anyway who can easily get in touch with your inner voice, you might not need any help at all.

For those of us who might need a bit of help though, there are intuition coaches in the world who are extremely skilled at helping you reach your own inner voice and be able to make even crucial decisions with a calm sense of rightness. My friend, Jennifer Halls, is one of those people. You can look into her services at her website, You know.

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