Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Role Does Luck Play?

If you believe that keeping a rabbit's foot, a silver dollar or a special shell in your pocket is going to magically draw your buyer family to you, maybe now is not the time for you to sell. If, however, you believe that you make your own luck, then I say to you, "The more focused the intention behind the work you do to sell the house, the better your luck will be."

I'm sure you've seen someone on a talk show explaining that they "Just got lucky." Well, unless they are talking about winning the Power Ball Lottery, they didn't "just" get lucky. Whatever they have achieved in their lives--either personally or in business--that got them on the talk show in the first place was the result of a concentration of focus and effort on achieving a goal.

When you decide to sell your house, you will 1)disengage emotionally from the house, 2)act with intent to prepare it for listing, 3)stage it effectively, 4)find a great Realtor and work with them to market effectively 5)keep the house show ready at all times, and 6)do at least one thing every day with the express intention of selling the house. Your buyer will find you, and you will be at the closing table before you know it. You and your Realtor know how much work you've put in to realize this sale. If your friends want to call you "lucky," let 'em!

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