Friday, January 30, 2009

View Your House Through Buyer-Colored Glasses

If you've lived in your house for a long time and have raised your children and created wonderful holiday (and everyday) memories there, there is a good chance that you will not see your house clearly when it comes time to stage it to sell. Just as we see our beloveds through rose-colored glasses, minimizing the negatives while maximizing the positives, so we see our home. But when it's time to sell, it's time to take off those rose-colored glasses. Put on the buyer-colored glasses and really look at the house as an asset to be liquidated, not as a warm and personal home-environment.

This can be a difficult exercise, but I believe it is a necessary one if you are going to be able to dispassionately assess the strengths and weaknesses of the house and stage it neutrally but effectively.

Here is a handy list of items that we might overlook as happy homeowners but really need to focus on as determined house sellers:
  • Keep the lawn trimmed and leaves raked
  • Clean up bed lines
  • Bleach or pressure wash the driveway
  • Sand and repaint trim
  • Wash the walls if necessary (You might even see that you need to paint)
  • Polish or change out door knobs
  • If you have wood floors, make sure they are in good condition
  • Keep entry way swept and clean at all times
  • Clean scuff marks off floors
  • Clean and seal all grout
  • Polish countertops
  • Polish faucets and bath fixtures; change out if they are dated
  • Make sure all window treatments are in good repair, not faded and dust/dirt free
  • Corral kids' toys in one contained area
These are just a few ideas, based on some of the things that we did when we successfully sold our house. For more information, please visit I CAN Sell This House.

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