Tuesday, December 9, 2008

You'll Need a Card Wreath

Holiday Staging Tip, the Second

You'll really need one of these. Let me just say that I'm not affiliated with this product in any way. I don't make any money by encouraging you to buy this. You can even make your own, if you'd rather. Click on the picture, though, and it will take you to a site where you can buy a card wreath.

Christmas cards are a wonderful way to keep in touch; to send a yearly newsletter; to say "Happy New Year." They are reminders of the people who live in a home. Christmas cards represent personal relationships, and as such, they really don't have a place in a staged house. If you take all the cards you receive and arrange them on a card wreath, these personal notes, these reminders of the lives lived in the house, become just another holiday decoration.

This doesn't mean that you can't read and enjoy your cards. It just means that you can't leave them displayed all over the mantel, counter tops and bedside tables. Read the cards and acknowledge the relationships signified by each card. Then, put them on the card wreath with the intention that they become set dressing on your holiday stage and that they will help you sell your house.

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